Fill The Gap

The ministry arm of FosterHobbs Coffee, FILL THE GAP CONCERTS, strives to reach more young people through contemporary Christian and modern worship music in America, the UK, and all around the world.

Our mission is to spread the gospel in America, UK, to include N. Ireland, through Christian music and other unique events. This involves all ages, although a special emphasis will be on young people…the future of our churches. All this began through the discovery of the lacking of Christian FM radio stations in the UK, to include N. Ireland. America has 1,800+ of these type stations compared to only eight in all of the UK. This eventually led to the vision of using creative ways to expose more people to the Christian faith through music. Even with the vast number of stations in America, many are still not familiar with Christianity, thus, the reason to include the United States.

FTGC will be funding and coordinating Christian concert events in both countries. One of the goals is to expose some of the top American Christian artists to those in the UK as many of these artists are not familiar to those in that country. Ordinarily, these artists would tour in the UK. However, the lacking of access to lots of over-the-air Christian FM radio, makes touring touring less financially feasible. Note: The majority of radio listening still occurs over-the-air. Another goal is to create church connections through these events. This is what makes FTGC different. 

By enjoying our coffee, you are helping "Fill the Gap"!